According to the Environmental Ship Index (ESI) the Olympus, a product tanker of the Swedish shipping company Sirius Rederi, is the most sustainable ship to arrive in the port of Rotterdam in 2013. The tanker scored highly on this index of 2354 ships on a worldwide level as well. There the ship occupies fourth position worldwide, with 65.7 points. With 78.3 points the LNG tankers Al Marrouna Al Areesh and Al Daayen from Teekay Shipping are the most sustainable ships sailing the world’s seas, the company said in its press release.
It is the third time that the Port Authority – one of the initiators of the development of the ESI – has awarded the prize for the most sustainable ship. In 2011 vehicle carrier Morning Carol won the prize, in 2012 it was container ship Cosco Pride and now it is the Olympus. In 2013 the Port Authority invested approximately €3.5 million in sustainable shipping by sponsoring ESI and the Green Award Foundation. Ships which score well in this certification system receive incentives valued at around five percent of the port tariffs payable.
The Olympus is currently moored in the Port of Rotterdam. She arrived this evening at Vopak in the Botlek. The product tanker achieved such a high ESI score, because a catalytic converter has been installed in her, which reduces the nitrogen (NOx) emissions by 90%. The ship has the technology to meet the strict requirements which will soon apply to new ships on the North Sea (in 2016 or – highly likely – 2021). ”This ship’s reduction is even higher than that of engines running on LNG (liquefied natural gas). Currently the market does not yet offer any LNG engines which can satisfy that future legislation. They will probably come about. For sulphur emission the Olympus will mainly sail in the SECA: Sulphur Emission Control Area. That means that the fuel must contain less than 1% sulphur at sea. From 2015 this will be 0.1%, with 0.1% sulphur in the port. Heavy fuel oil is therefore not an option for the Olympus. The ship has no scrubber for extra sulphur dioxide reduction. She therefore does not score in this area as well as ships which use LNG for fuel,” according to Fer van der Laar, European director of the International Association for Ports and Harbors (IAPH).
The ESI is a certificate issued on 1 January 2011 by the World Port Climate Initiative, on request of the ship owners. The index shows how ships perform environmentally in their emissions of air pollution (NOx and SOx) and CO2. Ports and other nautical service providers all around the world can use the index to reward ships and thus stimulate sustainable behaviour in shipping. Twenty-seven ports and other nautical service providers now award bonuses to ‘ESI ships’ that attain a certain score. These ports include Rotterdam, Antwerp, Los Angeles, New York, Sohar and Vancouver.
The World Ports Climate Initiative is a collective of 55 leading ports which actively make an effort to reduce air pollution and the emission of CO2 in particular. It does this under the auspices of the International Association of Ports and Harbors, the international representative of sea ports.
ESI Top 20 Worldwide 2013
1. Olympus 65,7
2. Tharsis 64,7
3. Global Laguna 56,6
4. Flinterbirka 54,9
5. Ever Leading 54
6. Hyundai Together 53,9
7. YM Upsurgence 53,9
8. Cosco Glory 53,8
9. Rio Thompson 53,5
10. Hyundai Smart Cosco 53,4
11. Development 53,3
12. Adamas 53,1
13. Cosco Excellence 53,1
14. Cosco Faith 52,7
15. Cosco Fortune 52,7
16. Cosco Pride 52,7
17. Cosco Harmony 52,3
18. Cosco Hope 52,3
19. Hyundai Tenacity 52,1
20. Wilson Norfolk 52,1
ESI Top 20 Rotterdam 2013
1. Al Marrouna 78,3
2. Al Areesh 78,3
3. Al Daayen 78,3
4. Olympus 65,7
5. Tharsis 64,7