Total volume of dredging operations needed for the creation of the new dry cargo district of port Taman is 49.3 mln cbm, IAA PortNews reporter cites Igor Rusu, Director General of RMP-Taman LLC (managing company of the project), as saying at the Forum of Dredging Companies organized by media-group PortNews.
According to Igor Rusu, the major part of the water area is to be 19.5 m deep, certain areas will have the depth of -18.2 m, - 15.3 m, -12.7 m and 7.1 m.
The project implies the construction of 10 sea terminals including 4 terminal which will be probably built at reclaimed territory covering 204.35 hectres. The plot is to be created with the soil extracted during the dredging in the water area and at the approach canal. 16.75 mln cbm of soil is subject to deposition.
The dredging operations will commence in the middle-second half of 2015. The tender is scheduled for the end of 2014. According to Igor Rusu, market participants expect too high value of works. “There will be much work but little money,” he said.
The project on creation of the new dry cargo district of port Taman implies the construction of facilities at Taman peninsula (Krasnodar Territory) capable of handling 94 mt of dry cargo per year.
The project implementation has been foreseen by all strategic programmes and budget planning documents from 2008: Transport Strategy of the Russian Federation till 2030; Strategy for the development of seaport infrastructure till 2030; federal special-purpose programme Development of Russia’s Transport System (2010-2020).
The project is being implemented through the private-public partnership (PPP) and comprises the construction of new cargo handling port complexes (marine terminals) intended for transshipment of dry bulk and loose cargo (coal, mineral fertilizers, sulphur, iron ore and iron ore concentrate, grain), general cargo (steel) and containerized cargo financed by private investors and the facilities of federal ownership - hydraulic facilities, utility and power supply facilities as well as railways, highways and marine approaches financed by the federal budget. The agreements of intent to participate in the project on construction of a new dry cargo district in port Taman have been signed with Global Ports Investments PLC, EuroChem OJSC, United Grain Company OJSC, UCL Port B.V., METALLOINVEST LLC, Siberian Coal Energy Company OJSC, Crimean Logistic Terminal LLC, Rusal OJSC, Gazprom Export LLC, Coal Company Kuzbassrazrezugol OJSC.
Related link:
Krasnodar Territory may enter RMP-Taman LLC in HI’14, Igor Rusu says >>>>