The number of vessels passing through the locks of inland waterways of Russian in the initial period of the 2014 shipping season jumped by 46%, to 23,700 ships and ship convoys, Rosmorrechflot reports.
Ship traffic intensity through the canal locks increased as compared with the same period last year in the following waterways:
Azov-Don basin – by 18.4%, including through Kotchetovsky waterworks – by 19,1%;
Volga-Don basin – 11.8%; Volga basin - 16.4%, including through Gorodetski Locks – by 2.6 times;
Volga-Baltic Basin – by 9.1 times;
Moscow basin – by 3.9 times;
Kamsky basin – by 34.6%.
An average of over 1350 ships a day are passing through the shipping locks (900 - the 2013 season).