By today, nine teams have confirmed their participation in Ust-Luga Cup. The following companies have applied: Anker Logistic Ltd., Morstroytechnology LLC, Murmansk Commercial Seaport OJSC, SMM CJSC, TD Rustorg LLC, TransContainer OJSC, Rosterminalugol OJSC, Ust-Luga Company OJSC and Russian Railways OJSC.
Rosterminalugol OJSC (Leningrad Region) has traditionally been the General Partner of Ust-Luga Cup.
Ust-Luga Cup Partners are Transoil LLC, BaltTransService LLC, Russian Railways OJSC.
NAVICOM is the Partner of the award ceremony which is to be held at the walls of the Peter and Paul Fortress (Saint-Petersburg) on June 11, 2014.
The project is supported by the Transport Ministry of the Russian Federation and the Russian Sailing Federation.
First time the Baltic regatta Ust-Luga Cup passed in June, 2012 and was dedicated to the 10th anniversary of Sea port Ust-Luga. Successful regatta became noticeable event not only in the sailing world, but also among the business public and mass media representatives. Considering a great interest to further project development from side of participants in port business in Russia and abroad, organizers made the decision to hold the Baltic regatta Ust-Luga Cup as an annual event.
Ust-Luga Cup 2014 will be held from June 1 till June 11, 2014. The regatta will follow the former route: from Stockholm (Sweden) till Saint-Petersburg (Russia) via Mariehamn (Finland) and Tallinn (Estonia). The participants and the guests will moor in beautiful places at picturesque islands of Sweden and Finland, visit a bright final show with a parade of sails at the Neva river and the award ceremony at the walls of the Peter and Paul Fortress.
General organization of the Regatta is entrusted to autonomous noncommercial organization Baltic Regatta Ust-Luga Cup. Technical organizer of the event - Motor Boat & Yachting Russia. Regatta press center – IAA PortNews.