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2015 October 5   14:29

Marine Façade (Saint-Petersburg) welcomed 1 cruise ship and 2,306 passengers last week (photo)

Between September 28 and October 04 2015 Passenger port of Saint Petersburg has received 1 cruise ship AIDAmar and 2 306 passengers, the Company’s press center says. The total berth time of the ship is 1 ship-day, total amount of passenger operations – 4 237.

In the indicated period 9 helicopters have used the helipad of Passenger port of Saint Petersburg for landing and take-off.

September 30th, 2015 at the invitation of Astra Marine Group of Companies the Management of “Passenger Port of Saint Petersburg “Marine Façade” PLC participated in the press briefing about the presence of the “Astra Marine” company at the Seatrade Europe 2015 exhibition, which took place on September 9-11 in Hamburg, Germany.

October 1st, 2015 at the invitation of Kotka city mayor Henri Lindelöf representatives of “Passenger Port of Saint Petersburg “Marine Façade” PLC visited the gala reception dedicated to the City Day which took place in Belmond Grand Hotel Europe. 

Also, on October 1st, 2015 together with “Passenger Port of Saint Petersburg “Marine Façade” PLC and Astra Marine group of companies a regular meeting of the “Famous Champions Club” was held aboard the “Talisman” steamboat.

October 3rd, 2015 Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping Institute of International Transport Management held the "Students Initiation" event on the territory of Passenger port of Saint Petersburg.

Passenger Port of Saint-Petersburg «Marine Façade» PLC is in the ownership of the city of St. Petersburg and is the largest passenger seaport in Russia. Construction of Marine Façade began in 2006. The port can accommodate cruise and ferry ships of up to 330 m long and with a draft of up to 8.8 m. The length and depth of new access channels - 10 km and 11 m, accordingly. The port operates seven piers. The quay-side length – 2,171.06 m.

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