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  3. Imtech Marine and Radio Holland complete first of two-vessel Sea Trucks’ contract

2015 October 9   11:30

Imtech Marine and Radio Holland complete first of two-vessel Sea Trucks’ contract

Sea Trucks has just completed successful sea trials of the DP3 offshore construction vessel Jascon 18 in Singapore. Imtech Marine and Radio Holland supplied the propulsion and power distribution systems as well as the nav/com systems.Sea Trucks has just completed successful sea trials of the DP3 offshore construction vessel Jascon 18 in Singapore. Imtech Marine and Radio Holland supplied the propulsion and power distribution systems as well as the nav/com systems.

Jascon 18 features a 1,800-tonne crane, 1,800 sq m deck and a 750-tonne pipelay system. Capable of performing a wide variety of marine construction and pipelay tasks in both ultra deepwater and continental shelf environments, the vessel’s hull was built in China and the outfitting was done in Singapore. Imtech Marine in Rotterdam commissioned the thrusters and switchboards and the company’s engineers in China assisted with the low voltage switchboard, while Radio Holland Singapore commissioned the nav/com systems.

The total scope includes the high voltage (6.6kV) main switchboards and low voltage switchboards, main thruster propulsion drives including the thruster motors, the retractable azimuth thruster and bow thruster propulsion drives, distribution transformers, nav/com equipment, as well as project management, design, engineering and commissioning.

The next vessel, the Jascon 35, for which Imtech Marine has already delivered some parts, is expected to get underway for outfitting end of this year or in the beginning of 2016.

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