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2015 November 2   18:29

Diamond Offshore announces net income of $136 million for Q32015

Diamond Offshore Drilling, Inc. (NYSE: DO) reported net income of $136 million, or $0.99 per share, in the third quarter of 2015, compared to $53 million, or $0.38 per share, in the third quarter of 2014. Revenues in the third quarter of 2015 were $610 million, compared to revenues of $738 million in the third quarter of 2014, the Company said in its press-release.

Diamond Offshore also confirmed the Ocean Guardian was awarded a contract for a one-year term in the UK North Sea beginning in March of 2016 at a rate of $220,000 per day.

The Company announced that it reached agreement with Petrobras for contracts on the semisubmersible rig Ocean Alliance and the drillship Ocean Clipper to be ended as of October 30, 2015, ahead of their original end dates, in return for an additional 875 days of contract term on the semisubmersible rig Ocean Courage. The additional term will be at a rate of $380,000 per day, representing revenue backlog of $333 million, and will extend the contract into mid-2020.  After export from Brazil, the Ocean Alliance will be cold-stacked and the Ocean Clipper will be retired and scrapped.  The terminated portions of the contracts represent a loss to revenue backlog of approximately $91 million.

Diamond Offshore also announced that it has declared a regular quarterly dividend of $0.125 per share, payable on December 1, 2015 to shareholders of record as of November 13, 2015.

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