As f today, investor of RPK-Vysotsk-Lukoil-II (Leningrad Region) has been refunded with RUB 976.7 mln, which makes 50% of resources spent for development of federally owned facilities through private-public. According to IAA PortNews correspondent, this was announced by Nadezhda Kalashnik, Deputy Director General in charge of Economics and Finance at FSUE Rosmorport’s North-West Basin Department, at the 10th International Congress ‘Oil Terminal 2015’ in Saint-Petersburg. All in all, the investor has spent RUB 1.9 bln for federal facilities with the total investments into the complex estimated at RUB 10.5 bln.
The investments are refunded with resources raised through collection of port charges and other revenues from implementation of the investment project.
Marine export terminal RPK-Vysotsk-Lukoil-II OJSC is owned by Russia’s largest private oil company LUKOIL OJSC.
Related link:
Deliveries of export oil products to RPK-Vysotsk-LUKOIL-II (Leningrad region) total 8.5 mln t in 9M’15>>>>