The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of TRIYARDS Holdings Limited, Mr. Chan Eng Yew, has been appointed as Interim Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Ezra Holdings Limited (Ezra) , a leading contractor and provider of integrated offshore solutions to the oil and gas industry. He will replace Mr. Eugene Cheng who will be stepping down with effect from 27 January 2016 due to personal and family reasons. Mr. Chan will concurrently hold his CEO position in TRIYARDS with his new appointment as the Ezra’s Interim CFO .
Prior to joining TRIYARDS, Mr. Chan started his career with Ezra in 2003 where he held the position of Assistant General Manager for Corporate Finance. Mr. Chan subsequently became the CFO of EOC Limited (EOC) in 2007, playing an instrumental role positioning EOC as the first Singapore company to be listed on the Main Board of the Oslo Stock Exchange. During his tenure as CEO of TRIYARDS, Mr. Chan has successfully grown and diversified its business to encompass projects beyond the offshore oil & gas sector. As Ezra ’s Interim CFO, Mr. Chan will oversee all financial matters relating to the company.