Average indicative price for bunker fuel at the Port of St. Peterrsburg start the week with gains, the IAA PortNews bunker price bulletin shows.
Average price of IFO380 HS was $ 70.0 pmt (+ $ 20.0);
Average price of IFO180 HS rose by the same $20.0 to $ 90.0 pmt.
Average price for MGO was $ 265.0 pmt (+ $ 15.0).
Average price of TSE blend (fuel marine environmental) was $ 237.0 pmt (+ $ 7).
The minimum indicative price for MGO is $ 250.0 pmt, the maximum – $ 290.0 per ton; the minimum price of IFO380 HS is $ 50.0 pmt, the maximum - $ 80.0; the lowest price of TSE blend is $ 200.0 pmt, the maximum - $ 240.0 pmt.