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2016 February 20   15:56

Odessa Sea Port Authority and partner-companies specify details of investment projects in 2016

In accordance with a set order, Odessa Branch of the State Enterprise Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority (Odessa Sea Port Authority), convened a meeting of Port Board, in order to listen to proposals of stevedoring companies management in relation to making amendments to the Odessa Sea Port Perspective Developmental Plan, USPA says. SC “HPC Ukraina”, “Brooklyn-Kiev Ltd.”, “Metalsukraine Corp. Ltd”, Novotech-Terminal Ltd., other major operator-companies of handling complexes, management of railway station “Odessa –port”, on the whole 15 business entities, including state company State Enterprise “Odessa Commercial Sea Port” took part in the meeting.

In the course of the Port Board discussion, such questions were raised as the conditions and terms of investment projects realization, which will define the competitiveness of Odessa port for the future decade.

For of all the discussion was aimed at the grain handling development:
— reconstruction of berth No.7 of the Quarantine Harbor with a creation of grain-handling complex in the rear of the berth;
-construction of berth No. 1-z, as a component of a new grain terminal in the root of Androsovskiy Mole;
— construction of grain elevator at Military Mole, etc

Besides it, the representatives of stevedoring companies were given an opportunity the raise problem questions regarding functioning of the engineering and transport infrastructure of the port, restrictions by law, preventing the development of the activities, increasing of cargo handling volumes.

In its turn, Odessa Sea Port Authority raised definite questions concerning partner-companies’ performing of treaty obligations in a part of keeping and servicing lending facilities.

The 3rd question on the agenda was the discussion of possible variants of financing preproject offers of 2nd railway port entrance construction.The result of the discussion was to hold one more meeting, with participation of stevedoring companies’ management, interested in development of port track facilities.

Odessa Sea Port Authority General Manager, M. Sokolov ended the meeting with information concerning Odessa Sea Port Authority plans for 2016, i.e. reconstruction of the transport infrastructure of Odessa port. In particular, such concluded agreements were announced as reconstruction of the 1st and 2nd turns of the transport overpass (parts from Military Mole to overpass to the passenger terminal and from Red Warehouses to the entrance to the container terminal of the Quarantine Mole) and work continuation on replacement of asphalt to paving stone at the central entrance to the port.

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