Berthing delays at Dili, Timor Leste have deteriorated significantly. Quay side congestion and adhoc public holiday announcements by the Timor Leste Government have contributed to the lengthening of delays experienced by vessel operators calling Timor Leste, ANL said in its press release.
As per reports from ANL's Dili office a regular liner call vessel arrived on 9th February, and has returned to Singapore without discharging in order to avoid a 10 day berthing delay.
An outcome from the most recent meeting is that ANL representatives are coordinating with Customs, Dili Port Authority, stevedores, importers and trucking companies for the port to be opened for extended hours in an effort to clear a back log of cargo remaining on the wharf.
Presently the ANL Darwin Trader is at anchorage and due to the congestion of vessels and current back log of containers to be cleared from the wharf is not expected at this time to berth on 24/02.
As a result of the delays both import and export connections in Singapore as well as arrivals into Darwin and Dili remain affected.