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  3. Ezion enters into a joint venture agreement with Chinese state-owned enterprise for the chartering of service rigs

2016 February 23   05:57

Ezion enters into a joint venture agreement with Chinese state-owned enterprise for the chartering of service rigs

The Board of Directors of Ezion Holdings Limited has entered into a joint venture ag reement with a Chinese state-owned enterprise  (“SOE”) for the deployment of Service Rigs to support  the offshore windfarm market, the company said in its press release.

The SOE is one of the key state-owned enterprises op erating under the direct administration of  State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council. It is a large- scale modern corporate group with world-wide businesse s in integrated logistics, shipping and  shipbuilding industry. 

The SOE will be responsible for the integration of d omestic requirements for the operations of Service Rigs in the offshore wind farm market in China.  Ezion will be responsible for the technical, operational  management and commercial aspects of the  Service Rigs that will be chartered by the joint ven ture company. 

The above mentioned joint venture will be complementary  to the strategic cooperation agreement with another Chinese state-owned enterprise to support offshore wind power installation projects in  China pursuant to the announcement made on 14 th  December 2015. 

About Ezion Holdings Limited:

Ezion Holdings Limited has 2 main business  divisions that specialises in the development, owne rship and chartering of strategic offshore assets a nd the  provision of offshore marine logistics and support  services to the offshore oil and gas industries.  The Group is the owner of one of the largest and mo st sophisticated class of Multi Purpose Self-Propel led  Jack-up Rigs in the world and one of  the first to promote the usage of Liftboats in Asia  &  Middle East Ezion’s Liftboats are used mainly for w ell-servicing, commissioning, maintenance and  decommissioning of offshore platforms.  The Group is also the owner of a fleet of vessels,  consisting of tugs, ballastable barges, offshore support  vessel and self-propelled barge that are used in th e provision of offshore marine logistics and support  services to the offshore oil and gas industries.

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