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  3. Elengy and Fosmax LNG offer a pooling service for intra - monthly capacities in the three French regulated terminals

2016 February 24   18:30

Elengy and Fosmax LNG offer a pooling service for intra - monthly capacities in the three French regulated terminals

Elengy and Fosmax LNG offer a pooling service for intra - monthly capacities in the three French  regulated terminals: Montoir - de - Bretagne, Fos Cavaou and Fos Tonkin. In its Public Decision dated 17 December 2015, the French regulator authorizes the  experiment of a pooling service for intra - monthly capacities until March 2017, end validity date of  current tariff period for the use of regulated LNG terminals.

This service will enable shippers to access to available unloading capacities in another regulated  termina l at a very competitive tariff. It is addressed on a monthly basis to any shipper with a  subscription in one of the three French regulated terminals and planning not to fully use their  capacity for the month.

The pooling service gives to Elengy and Fosmax  LNG customers an arbitrage option allowing  them to benefit from two maritime coasts  – Atlantic and Mediterranean - for delivering their  cargoes, to react promptly to market signals or to optimize their shipping.

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