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2016 March 3   15:39

Port of Tallinn’s new Chairman of the Management Board Valdo Kalm commenced work on 1 March

Valdo Kalm was elected as the new Chairman of the Management Board of Port of Tallinn and commences work on 1 March 2016, says press center of the Port of Tallinn. As a former leader of Estonian Telecom, Kalm haslong-term experience of managing one of the largest Estonian businesses that has changed a great deal over time, is also widely recognized and has an irreproachable business background, good analytical skills and great strategic thinking. 

Among his primary goals, the new Chairman of the Management Board sees finding new opportunities in the logistics chain operations in cooperation with Estonian Railway, Port of Tallinn’s clients and other logistics companies; successful launching of the new ferries and their further operation, continuing positive developments in the field of passenger traffic and real estate developments.

Kalm was motivated to apply for the new position primarily by Port of Tallinn’s potential, as Port of Tallinn has great business opportunities and also a great and important role in the Estonian logistics sector – to be the leader and an engine boosting the sector’s development.

Kalm’s vision is to develop Port of Tallinn to become one of the most modern ports in the Baltic Sea region.  Modernity for Kalm means, for example, that in the future all operations connected to passengers and cargo clients would be very easy and bureaucracy-free, and functioning in a paperless digitalized business environment. The ongoing Smart Port project already digitalizes check-in processes for passengers with trucks and cars making the service more convenient and environment-friendly. In the future Kalm also wants to see Port of Tallinn to be a modern and innovative gateway to the city of Tallinn and to Estonia in general.

Valdo Kalm graduated from the Automatics and Telemechanics Department of Tallinn University of Technology. In 1986 he started his career as a maintenance specialist at Tallinn Telephone Network, then he became the senior engineer and later the administrative and sales director. In 1997 he became a member of the management board of Eesti Telefon and from 2000 was the chairman of the management board of Elion. In 2003 Valdo Kalm became the chairman of the management board of EMT and from 2007 until 2015 was the chairman of the management board of Estonian Telecom. Valdo Kalm is married with two children.

Ca. 100 candidates participated in the competition for the position of the chairman of the management board of Port of Tallinn: 35 of them submitted applications for the public competition and over 60 candidates were specifically selected by HR company Amrop.

New Chairman Valdo Kalm will start working alongside Management Board Member Marko Raid, whose employment contract has been extended to May 31, by which time the members of the Management Board shall submit to the Supervisory Board their visions about Port of Tallinn’s future management structure, the Management Board’s work allocation and company’s focus areas.


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