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2016 May 20   11:31

Exxon Neftegas Limited awarded FESCO icebreaker sailors

Exxon Neftegas Limited (operator of the"Sakhalin-1» Project) congratulated FESCO Transportation Group with the successful completion of a 10 year contract for icebreaker support of large-capacity tankers transporting crude oil from the port of De-Kastri, and hereby noting a professional and well-coordinated work of «Admiral Makarov» and «Krasin» icebreakers’ crews.

Rewarding of FESCO Captains took place on May 17, 2016 at FESCO Branch office in Vladivostok. During solemn ceremony FESCO First vice-president Mr. Vladimir Korchanov handed to FESCO professional and experienced icebreaker Captains Anatoliy Kovalenko and Leonid Budrys Exxon Neftegas Limited special awards: 3D glass models of the icebreakers «Admiral Makarov» and «Krasin» and the book «The Chronicle of achievements».

In 2002 FESCO icebreakers «Admiral Makarov» and «Krasin» made an experimental pilotage of the tanker «Primorye» (deadweight 105 thousand tons) through the ice of the Tatar Strait to the port of De-Kastri. This experiment proved the possibility of transportation hydrocarbons by sea in winter. In 2006 De-Kastri oil export terminal was put into operation and the first tanker with a capacity of more than 100 thousand tons.was forwarded with oil products.

Since December 2006 the icebreakers «Admiral Makarov» and «Krasin» started providing pilotages of Aframax crude oil tankers (deadweight over 100,000 tons) to/from the port of De-Kastri under the Project «Sakhalin-1». Under winter navigation 2006–2016 in the Tatar Strait FESCO icebreakers made 381 pilotages, Aframax crude oil tankers transported about 20 million tons of oil. Over 10 icebreaking pilotages seasons FESCO was awarded honorary diplomas and awards from Exxon Neftegas Limited for services in the field of labor protection and industrial and environmental safety.

Selection of FESCO as a partner for servicing major international projects on oil and gas production on the Sakhalin shelf is not accidental: FESCO sailors have a unique experience to work in difficult ice conditions. FESCO vessels’ crews often successfully fulfill the most complicated tasks, demonstrating continued consistency and professionalism.


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