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2016 July 10   11:35

MPI Discovery recommences Rampion foundation-installation campaign

MPI Discovery, has recommenced work at the Rampion Offshore Wind Farm off the south coast of England. Working closely together with Swire Blue Ocean’s Pacific Orca, MPI Discovery will continue with the installation of 116 monopile foundations during the second half of 2016.
As a result of the black-bream-spawning season, installation activities were halted in late April as planned and only restarted at the beginning of July. This break in activities gave us the opportunity to complete a successful, periodic dry docking of MPI Discovery. Furthermore, during the same period the second installation vessel, Pacific Orca, was mobilised to join the foundation-installation campaign.
In addition to supplying one of the installation vessels, MPI, through MPI Consultants Ltd., is taking care of all project management, plus providing engineering and installation teams for both vessels. During the mobilisation of Pacific Orca, another MPI WTIV, MPI Resolution, was utilised for heavy-lift transportation of the Pacific Orca seafastenings.
Both MPI Discovery and Pacific Orca make use of the Verbrugge Scaldia Terminal in Flushing, the Netherlands, as loading port for monopiles and transition pieces.
The 400MW Rampion project is being built by E.ON, the UK Green Investment Bank plc and Canadian energy company Enbridge. It is due to be completed in 2018.

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