The Lithuanian Energy Institute (LEI) will apply scientific excellence in the Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Cluster initiated by AB Klaipėdos Nafta, the company says in a press release.
LEI that has joined the LNG Cluster has a mission to be the highest qualification expert on the issues of science, engineering, metrology and energy object safety economy, related to sustainable Lithuanian energy development, and sees LNG as a new fuel type opportunity for conducting various research and innovation.
LEI is a state institute of scientific research, which has defined the research of thermal physics, gas-liquid dynamics and metrology as one of its scientific research and experimental development directions.
Mantas Bartuška, CEO of AB Klaipėdos Nafta and Chair of the Board of the LNG Cluster, highlights that the strength and benefit of the cluster is based only on active and productive science and business cooperation.
“From the very beginning of the idea of the cluster its aim and objective was to unite science and business for the creation and practical application of knowledge in the new field of liquefied natural gas in the Baltic Region. Maritime and land transport, heating and cold industry are the fields of unlimited opportunities, open to new ideas developed by both business and science, with increasing competitiveness of the region,” says Mantas Bartuška, CEO of AB Klaipėdos Nafta.
“Our goal to actively integrate in the activities of the LNG Cluster is related to the fact that science has all technology and competence opportunities to contribute to the foundation of infrastructure created by the LNG terminal and find adequate tools to develop it. Presently, there are five science valleys in Lithuania which must be empowered, whereas LNG, being a fuel type and technology, is relatively new and interesting to scientists as well as to making use of their unlimited opportunities. The LNG Cluster is a symbiosis, in which business and science particularly have to correlate; therefore, it provides meaning to us as the representatives of science,” LEI Director Sigitas Rimkevičius commented on the aim to join the cluster.
About the LNG Cluster. The cluster was established in April 2016. Its aim is to cooperate in the fields of energy, education, science and business in order to enhance scientific-technological-economic competitiveness and promote LNG business and investments. Cluster members: AB Klaipėdos Nafta, AB Western Shipyard, Public Institution Klaipėda University, Public Institution Klaipėda Science and Technology Park, Public Institution Lithuanian Maritime Academy, UAB Emerson Process Management, Lithuanian Energy Institute.