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2016 December 20   11:18

NOAK organizes a workshop at World Maritime University

On 13 December, the Nordic Council of Minsters’ Nordic Working Group for Global Climate Negotiations (NOAK) organized a workshop on Nordic Action for a Transformation to Low-carbon Shipping at WMU, WMU says in a press release. Dr Cleopatra Doumbia-Henry welcomed the group noting the importance of low-carbon shipping to the overall health of our planet. 

President Doumbia-Henry stated, “We are honored to be the hosts of the Nordic Working Group for Global Climate Negotiations. Seaborne transportation is an essential component of the global economy. Despite the fact that shipping is the most fuel-efficient and carbon-friendly mode of transportation, there is still air pollution produced by the numerous ships that are crossing the seas and oceans of our planet on a daily basis.” The President noted that the Nordic countries have led the way in making significant contributions to low carbon shipping, and she wished the Working Group success in furthering this critical topic.

The Nordic Council of Minsters is the official inter-governmental body for co-operation in the Nordic Region. Overall responsibility for co-operation lies with the Prime Ministers but in practice the Ministers for Nordic Co-operation assume responsibility for the co-ordination of inter-governmental co-operation. The Nordic Council of Ministers through NOAK has launched a project aiming to explore potential for Nordic action in the area of maritime transport and climate change after the Paris Agreement. The project will run from August 2016 to February 2017 and seeks to inform Nordic work on the implementation of the Paris Agreement with regards to the maritime transport sector, creating the necessary basis for finding a suitable position for Nordic action and showcasing Nordic examples.

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