On Monday 19 December 2016, the second of Scandlines’ new hybrid ferries for the Rostock-Gedser route left the Danish shipyard FAYARD A/S. M/V Copenhagen will go into operation on Wednesday 21 December 2016 at 09:00 from Gedser in Denmark, the company said in its press release. During the last couple of months, the vessel successfully completed a comprehensive test pro-gramme (Harbour Acceptance Tests).
On Monday 28 November 2016, M/V Copenhagen therefore went on a five-day sea trial (Sea Acceptance Tests), where among other things the manoeuvrabil-ity was tested under usual and unusual conditions. M/V Copenhagen and the approximately 100 sea trial participants went among other things to the northern Kattegat.
After the successful sea trial, M/V Copenhagen returned to the shipyard FAYARD A/S for the final adjustments. On Monday 19 December 2016, the vessel set course for its future route between Rostock in Germany and Gedser in Denmark. M/V Copenhagen will go into operation on Wednes-day 21 December 2016 at 09:00 from Gedser.
About Scandlines
Scandlines stands as a symbol of a historical and close cooperation between Denmark, Germany and Sweden since 1872. Under the names Scandlines and Scandlines Helsingør-Helsingborg three short ferry routes are marketed with high capacity and frequency and with a green vision for the future. The core business is to provide an efficient and reliable transport service for both passengers and freight customers. The main focus for all activities in Scandlines is to create value for our custom-ers on board the ferries as well as in the shops of Scandlines. With more than 90,000 departures on 12 ferries, in 2015 Scandlines transported 15 million passen-gers, 3.3 million cars, 900,000 freight units and 65,000 busses on the routes Puttgarden-Rødby, Rostock-Gedser and Helsingør-Helsingborg.