2016 December 21   17:08

Fishing vessel safety moves

IMO says a regional seminar for the Africa Francophone region has provided the knowledge and information countries may need to ratify and implement the IMO Cape Town Agreement on fishing vessel safety. This key treaty sets international standards for the safety of fishing vessels. The instrument is important because currently there is no international regime in force covering fishing vessel safety, including construction, life-saving appliances and other essential safety measures. To assist in implementation of the Cape Town Agreement, IMO, in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), has been running a series of seminars for governments. The latest seminar in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire (12 to 16 December) was attended by participants from 12 countries in the Africa Francophone region. The seminar was facilitated by IMO’s Sandra Allnutt and Honorat Hoba, FAO’s Ari Gudmundsson and a consultant.


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