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2016 December 21   18:02

Energy efficiency measures for ships were underway at IMO's workshop in China

IMO’s latest efforts to support countries to implement air pollution and energy efficiency measures for ships were underway at a workshop in Hangzou, China on 12-14 December. IMO says the regional event involved Port State Control Officers responsible for inspection and enforcement of the rules in IMO’s MARPOL Annex VI treaty. Thirty participants from countries that have signed up to the Tokyo MoU on Port State Control in the Asia-Pacific took part in the training – the first exercise of its kind to be carried out under IMO’s GloMEEP project.

The workshop included a visit to the Zhejiang Institute of Communications campus, including the marine college’s marine engine simulator room, bridge simulators and seafarers training centre. The workshop was hosted by the Zhejiang Institute of Communications and China Maritime Safety Administration. IMO is represented by Astrid Dispert and a team of consultants.


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