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  3. Royal Wagenborg acquires 'Ziltborg'

2016 December 27   16:12

Royal Wagenborg acquires 'Ziltborg'

Today, Royal Wagenborg acquired m.v. Vechtdiep as the third out of seven vessels. Earlier the m.v. Zijlborg and m.v. Leuveborg were already added to the Wagenborg fleet. In the coming months the “Vliediep”, “Lingediep”, “Loodiep” and “Loenerdiep” will also be obtained and given a ‘borg-name’, the company said in its press release.

Renamed ‘Ziltborg’ this vessel is currently undergoing a paint job, providing her with the Wagenborg colours at shipyard Royal Niestern Sander. Equipped with ice class 1A and two box-shaped holds of 39.0 and 42.8 m, m.v. Ziltborg is suitable for worldwide trade carrying various cargos such as forest products and (break-)bulk making m.v. Ziltborg a perfect fit in Wagenborg’s existing fleet of ice-strengthened multipurpose dry cargo vessels.

The general particulars of m.v. Ziltborg are as follows:
Length over all:                118,85 m
Breadth:                             15,20 m
Depth:                                8,45 m
DWT:                                  7.300 t
Cargo capacity:                328.949 cft
Engine:                               MAK 8M32

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