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2017 April 6   14:54

Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority presents port infrastructure development plans to leading contractors

(USPA) says it has presented the projects of berth infrastructure development to members of the American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine, as well as to key Ukrainian and foreign engineering and construction companies. Raivis Veckagans, Acting CEO of SE “USPA”, presented the list of objects, principles of construction and price parameters at the «Port Infrastructure Development Day», which was held in cooperation with the Chamber on April, 4th 2017.

The event was attended by Ukrainian design and construction companies, as well as world industry leaders — China Harbor Engineering Company (China), Sumitomo Corporation (Japan), Cyes Maritime Works (Spain), AECOM (USA) and other companies that had not previously participated in the tender bidding of SE “USPA”. Attracting new contractors will ensure the most efficient offer in terms of quality and cost, will open market and give impetus to the development of businesses operating in the ports.

In particular, it is planned to continue implementing projects of construction of berth № 1-z and reconstruction of berth № 7 in Odessa seaport and start reconstruction of the hydraulic part of berths №№ 1, 2 in Chernomorsk seaport this year. SE “USPA” also plans to start the reconstruction of the hydraulic part of berths № 3, 4 in Mariupol seaport and the construction of berth № 8 in Nikolaev seaport. SE “USPA” plans to spend 966 million UAH on the berth infrastructure development before the end of the year.

“The best quality and price for the contractor's work in the port infrastructure will be achieved by significantly expanding the tender competition of SE “USPA” and by opening this market to companies with a worldwide reputation. That is why, we are simplifying the project documentation in accordance with the international standards of FIDIC. This will ensure a tripartite analysis of the project, maximum transparency of the process and indispensable grade «quality»“, – said Raivis Veckagans, Acting CEO of SE “USPA”.

Moreover, it is necessary to simplify the procedures for approving the project documentation of the facilities construction by budgetary funds. Therefore, SE “USPA” prepared proposals for amendments to the current acts of the Cabinet of Ministers. «Their adoption will allow eliminating the double procedure of project documentation concordance by state bodies, simplifying the conditions for implementing capital investments and reducing the time for concordance and approval of projects up to two years. We will discuss our achievements with experts and business in the nearest future», – Raivis Veckagans added.

President of the American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine, Andrei Gunder, noted: «Public presentation of development plans of port infrastructure contributes to transparency of tender procedures, and this is the key to the successful operation of the port industry. At the same time, both the business and SE “USPA” are interested not only in informing about current and forthcoming ports’ projects, but also in carrying out the work, especially regarding the announced capital investments in the amount of approximately 3.5 billion UAH for the construction and reconstruction of berths, dredging projects. The implementation of the announced projects, including the start of new ones, approved by the government, should be reflected in the financial plan of the enterprise, which will allow the realization of the declared investments.»

Lev Partskhaladze, the Deputy Minister of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Services, emphasized the importance of building port infrastructure in accordance with modern technologies and developments: «Both reconstruction and construction of ports should be carried out only by modern technologies, therefore one of the main tasks of the Ministry of Regional Development is to bring to conformity state construction norms and requirements with internationally recognized regulation principles that consider the latest scientific developments. Our country has great potential in implementing such projects», – Partskhaladze said.

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