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  3. Krylov Centre hosted round table discussions on Regulations regarding operation and maintenance of marine port hydraulic structures

2017 April 7   12:52

Krylov Centre hosted round table discussions on Regulations regarding operation and maintenance of marine port hydraulic structures

On 4 April 2017, Krylov State Research Centre hosted the round table discussions on Regulations regarding operation and maintenance of marine port hydraulic structures. The event was co-organized by MORPORTEXPERTIZA (Association of expert organizations on engineering inspection of port hydraulic structures) and the Editorial Board of HYDROTEСHNIKA journal (PortNews Media Group).

Oleg Temofeev, Deputy Director General of the Krylov State Research Centre, welcomed the audience on behalf of the host.

Major contributions to the round table discussions were made by representatives of FSUE Rosmorport, Rostransnadzor (The Federal Authority for Transport Oversight), JSC Shipbuilding & Shiprepair Technology Center, JSC Eleron, FSUE The National Fish Resources, Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping, Technical Center GARANT, SK TMK (Warehouse complex of metal pipe manufacturing company).

The Head of Hydro-Aerodynamic Division of Krylov Centre V. Magarovsky presented Computational & Experimental Research Studies for Design and Safe Operation of Hydraulic Structures. He made a point that operation of hydraulic structures is associated with high risks demanding substantial research and experimental efforts to verify design solutions and ensure appropriate safety levels, including extreme load cases. On the other hand, all engineering solutions should be economically viable and based on very accurate input data.

Krylov’s experimental infrastructure enables comprehensive research studies to optimize and refine early-design solutions regarding the layout of marine and protective facilities as well as to ensure year-round operation of hydraulic structures. These efforts will cut down the total building and maintenance costs.

The event was finalized by a tour around KSRC experimental facilities including seakeeping and ice basins, landscape wind tunnel and simulator complex.

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