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  3. MariNet to present a broad range of cutting-edge marine solutions at Neva-2017, Sept 20

2017 August 3   15:38

MariNet to present a broad range of cutting-edge marine solutions at Neva-2017, Sept 20

‎Within the framework of the Neva-2017 International Exhibition the MariNet working group of the National Technological Initiative will present a number of breakthrough developments for the marine industry that will shape the global industry in the coming decades.

The conference, which opens on September 20, 2017, 12:00 (‎UTC+03:00), is an opportunity for the event participants to see the solutions offered by several dozens of leading companies and scientific centers in the field of innovative shipbuilding, ocean resources development technologies and navigation. It is not an overstatement to say that this is a cutting edge of marine technology: high-speed crafts, underwater robotics, e-Navigation tools, new energy, underwater exploration and communications, promising marine equipment segments.

During the plenary session report by the head of the MariNet working group Sergey Generalov, key directions, projects and the group's team will be introduced. There are more than 70 projects to date, most of which offer second-to-none and revolutionary solutions.

Then, during two parallel sessions, the authors of individual projects will present their developments: the first session combines the following tracks: # Digital and #Underwater, #High-Speed and #NewEnergy.

Track # Digital:
Presentation of such projects as the "Robotics Control System" developed by Morinformsystem-Agat Concern; “Unmanned Navigation Digital Simulator" by TRANSAS, "Marine Cellular Communication", MIKRAN, "Portal of Geoinformation Services for Marine Industry" by ScanEx, etc.

Track #High-Speed:
Combines the projects of high-speed crafts of the new generation: "Sea Knife" by Design Bureau of AVIATIKA , "ADMS of high-speed hovercrafts” developed by KURS Research Institute, "High-speed transport platform of new generation" by R. Alexeyev Central Design Bureau for Hydrofoil Vessels and "High-speed passenger transport" by RDCAqualines.
‎ ‎
‎Track #Underwater
Presentation of a wide range of MariNet's underwater robotics projects, underwater exploration and survey, underwater navigation: "Anthropomorphic-type Underwater Complex" by NGO Android Technology, "Underwater Internet of Things" by the Underwater Navigation & Communication Lab.

Track #NewEnergy
Presentation of projects on clean energy for different segments: "Marine Hydrogen Propulsion on Fuel Cells" by CRI SET; "Coastal Protective Power Complex" by NGO Gidrojenergospecstroj; "Arctic Offshore Wind Farm» developed by Krylov State Research Centre and "Float Wave Electric Power Station» by Applied Technologies, Ltd..‎

To see more about the projects and for networking the conference participants are welcomed at the MariNet booth. They will be able to establish direct contacts and cooperation argeement with the authors of the projects, to discuss the technology development issues with leading experts.

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