Russian President Vladimir Putin has instructed the ministries, agencies, local authorities to work out the project of a marine port in Vostok Bay, Primorsky Krai. This was said at the meeting on the implementation of major investment projects in the Far Eastern Federal District.
The construction of Eastern Petrochemical Complex in Primorsky Krai is scheduled to begin by the end of 2017.
"To keep to schedule here, we need to ensure that the required gas supply and transport infrastructure are in place. I am referring here to the sea port at Vostok Bay, railway links and oil pipelines. We also need to settle the sources of funding and look at how to organise this work, decide what will be done through private investment and what will receive state support. I recall that last December, we gave instructions regarding support for this enterprise," Vladimir Putin was quoted as saying.
The project of a petrochemical complex in Primorsky Krai with an annual capacity of 30 million tonnes of raw materials is being implemented by the Eastern Petrochemical Company controlled by Rosneft.