IAA PortNews, the leading industry information and analytical agency will launch the Photo Project "Coal Ports: Ecology and Technologies". The purpose is to collect professional photographs of the operating marine coal terminals and to present them open access on agency's website www.portnews.ru and in the form of a mobile photo exhibition.
A coal port through a camera lens can be presented by a photographer either as a state-of-the-art manufacturing complex or as an example of ecological disaster. We would be willing to show a variety of views on this maritime business segment, to assemble the most complete possible photo gallery, which will allow, when adjusting the industry legislation, to have an accessible graphic image of coal ports.
All published photos will be signed: the name of the terminal, the name of the equipment and the photograph author.
Feel free to join the project. Participation is free of charge. The number of photos is unlimited. The only condition is the high quality of the photos.
Photographs should be sent to av@portnews.ru with a note "Photo Project".