A.P. Moller-Maersk A/S (hereinafter – APMM) and Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia (hereinafter - FAS of Russia) entered into a settlement agreement in relation to ocean container shipment services on the route Far East/South-East Asia - the Russian Federation (St. Petersburg, Ust-Luga) (hereinafter – Settlement Agreement).
The Settlement Agreement has been approved by the court on February 13, 2017.
Under the Settlement Agreement APMM has accepted the following commitments in relation to ocean container shipment services on the route Far East/South-East Asia - the Russian Federation (St. Petersburg, Ust-Luga) (hereinafter – Commitments).
Commitments shall apply to shipping within the route of the Far East/South-East Asia - the Russian Federation (St. Petersburg, Ust-Luga).
APMM shall cease any Publication of the planned or possible change to the Price2 or any elements of the Price (in particular, Publication of General Rate Increase).
According to p. 6 art. 114.4 of Maritime Code of Russia APMM make publication of information on the maximum current value of freight rates per cargo item to carriage between incurred vessel call ports on the sea line.
Publication of Price does not prevent communication to Purchaser3 individually in course of negotiation lower prices for such services.
Communication4 with regard to the planned or possible change to the Price or any elements of the Price shall be accessible only in non-public form by means of e-mail, telephone calls, personal meetings, by means of access by the Purchaser to the personal area on the carrier’s website, etc.
On request of FAS of Russia APMM shall provide FAS of Russia log-in with user account and password in order to allow FAS of Russia access on the right of Purchaser to relevant websites of the Applicant (in case of existence of personal area of Purchasers on the carrier’s websites).
APMM shall publish these Commitments on its website and provide an access to them.
Commitments in respect of providing Purchaser with an access to personal area on the website of the carrier come into force 5 (five) months from the moment of approval of the Settlement Agreement by the court.
Commitments stay in force for 3 (three) years from the moment of approval of the Settlement Agreement by the court.