This autumn, Kelvin Hughes will be taking a stand at London’s DSEI and in the words of Mark Bown, Kelvin Hughes Group Marketing Manager: “The Kelvin Hughes team are looking forward to showcasing our largest ever range of Security and Maritime radar equipment at DSEI. This year’s stand will be our largest and possibly the most impressive we have put together to date.”
For the Security market Kelvin Hughes will be demonstrating its border security and surveillance solutions utilising the CxEye™ command and control software and SharpEye™ radar and also the range of integrated electro optical sensors. Kelvin Hughes will also be showing their enhanced counter UAV capability. SMS D(rone) has already dramatically advanced drone detection with optional video tracking, auto classification and altitude data. Further developments of the radar capability will be revealed at the show that makes detecting and tracking even the smallest drones a reality. Exact details will be kept under wraps until the show being held between the 12th and 15th September.
In the naval and maritime domain some equally exciting developments are taking place and will be unveiled also at DSEI. Kelvin Hughes will be showing its latest tactical software features for the company’s naval navigation and situational awareness displays through an interactive multiscreen system. This will highlight the advantages of advanced tracker software over conventional ARPA trackers and also show how the SharpEye™ radar sensor technology can be used to inform the command of threats in some other unique and innovative ways including a unique EW feature.
At DSEI, Kelvin Hughes will also unveil the new ECDIS which meets the International Hydrographic Office (IHO) latest standards and is available for naval platforms wishing to take advantage of commercial navigation equipment but still seeking the benefits of the tactical capabilities the Kelvin Hughes navigation and situational awareness software brings. Based around the multifunction capability and the networked bridge, Kelvin Hughes’ latest range of bridge equipment allows multi-station viewing and operation of radar, conning and ECDIS.
The latest ECDIS system from Kelvin Hughes will be available for interactive demonstration at DSEI which is IHO Version 4 Presentation Library compliant and boasts instant chart loading, look ahead and anchor watch features to name a few.
Kelvin Hughes Ltd is a world leader in the development, manufacture and supply of maritime navigation, surveillance and security radar systems. The company sets the international standard in solid state radar sensor technology with SharpEye™ and its market leading tactical and situational awareness radar display software.