The development of the Murmansk Transport Hub is one of the priorities among infrastructure projects in the Northwest of Russia. It is instrumental for the plans to develop the Northern Sea Route and coal fields. That was the opinion given by RF President Vladimir Putin today at the meeting on developing Northwest Russia’s transportation infrastructure, says press center of Murmansk Region Government.
The progress of the project implementation and its prospects were among the key topics of the meeting attended by heads of ad hoc ministries and agencies as well as regional heads from the Northwest Federal District including Murmansk Region Governor Marina Kovtun.
“Expanding Murmansk port capacity is instrumental for Arctic shelf development projects and plans to develop the Northern Sea Route, as well as exports of coal and other products”, emphasized Vladimir Putin.
The project on comprehensive development of Murmansk Transport Hub is included into the Federal Targeted Programme “Development of Russia’s Transport System in 2010-2020”. The project which is being implemented through private-public partnership and which is to be completed in 2018 provides for the development of sea, rail and road transport infrastructure, as well as the development of logistics and storage infrastructure.
The project foresees the construction of a new railway branch to the left shore of the Kola Bay (including two railway stations and a railway bridge across the Kola Bay), where private investors will build a new coal transshipment facility (commercial seaport Lavna) and an oil terminal. It is on the list of 17 most promising projects of Russia’s Arctic Zone as well as on the list of the priority investment projects of the North-West federal district. It complies with the Transport Strategy of the Russian Federation till 2030 and the Programme for the development of Russia’s coal industry till 2030.
At the meeting, the President emphasized the need to implement new, advanced trans-shipment technologies based on strict environmental standards and norms as well as to offer investors convenient cooperation instruments that take into account the particular nature of infrastructure investment.