2017 August 21   09:17

TEN charters two Suezmaxes

TEN,  LTD., a leading crude, product and LNG tanker operator, has announced the expansion of  its long term strategic alliance with a major  US oil concern. Two suezmax vessels have been chartered for three years, bringing the relationship  to six vessels, the company announces in its press release. These charters are scheduled to commence in early September upon completion of the current employment of each vessel and contain profit sharing arrangements.  

"We are pleased that these new charters not only solidify the Compan y's cash generating ability and  visibility, but also emphasize the  fleet's competitive advantage when  seeking to secure charters with  high  quality  oil  concerns,"  stated  Mr.  George  Saroglou,  Chief  Op erating  Officer  of  TEN.  "With   more than 75% of the fleet in  secured  employment,  re sulting  to  $1.5  billion  already  in  minimum   secured  revenues  and  the  possibilit y  of  generating  considerable  ad ditional  income  through  profit   sharing, we are very confident that TEN will be  one of the prime beneficiaries going forward once  we enter the seasonally stronger fourth qu arter and beyond," Mr. Saroglou concluded. 


TEN, founded in 1993, is one of the first and most  established public shipping companies in the  world today. TEN’s pro-forma fleet, including one  Aframax tanker under cons truction, consists of  65 double-hull vessels, constituting a mix of crude tankers, product tankers and LNG carriers,  totalling 7.2 million dwt. Of th ese, 45 vessels trade in crude,  15 in products, three are shuttle  tankers and two are LNG carriers.

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