BoD of KNRG Upravleniye (management company of Caspian Energy Group, part of USC) elected Rustam Khalitov as Director General, says USC.
Rustam Khalitov was born in the Astrakhan region. He is a graduate of Saratov State Academy of Law. Used to hold different positions at the prosecution agencies. From 2015 – first deputy of the Astrakhan Region’s Ministry of Industry, Transport and Natural Resources.
The Board of Directors also terminated the authority of KNRG Upravleniye Director General Dmitry Antonov, who is also an Acting Director General of Lotus Shipyard. He previously held two positions.
Caspian Energy Group structure combines resources enabling to fulfill complex projects relating to construction of facilities for offshore fields development. The strategic goal of Caspian Energy Group is strengthening and increasing of competitiveness of Russian manufacturers of complex marine facilities for continental shelf development and Caspian shelf development first of all.