SMi Group announces the third annual Maritime Reconnaissance and Surveillance Technology conference to be held in Rome from the 30th-31st January 2018. Reconnaissance and Surveillance are key to developing clear and accurate maritime situational awareness. In order to maximise their ISR range, Navies and Maritime agencies around the globe are looking beyond the atmosphere to provide new and advanced surveillance capabilities. Space-based surveillance systems are providing users with up-to-date information from both a signal tracking and data imagery point of view, allowing for the monitoring of shipping routes, fishing grounds, environmental issues and illegal activities. However, not all nations can afford to launch and run dedicated surveillance satellite systems and focus on conventional platforms to fulfil their maritime ISR requirements. Therefore, an international approach is needed to allow Maritime authorities and Navies to monitor the world’s oceans and share relevant up-to-date information correctly.
As well as hearing about how new surveillance satellite technologies are being developed and integrated into fleets and coast guard agencies, you will also hear about how new and emerging ISR technologies and platforms are shearing information, not only between platforms but between nations and organisations. As well as strong support from the host nation, there will also be neighbouring and regional speakers providing updates and briefings on developing ISR capabilities and maritime situational awareness.
Established since 1993, the SMi Group is a global event-production company that specializes in Business-to-Business Conferences, Workshops, Masterclasses and online Communities.
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