ACI’s 6th Ship Recycling Congress will be taking place 24-25th January, 2018 in London.
The organizers say the conference will consist of a number of informative presentations followed by interactive Q&A sessions, panel discussions and an open discussion to further involve the delegates. These talks will give a deep insight on the views shared from the different aspects of Ship Recycling. We will explore and discuss current and future possibilities within the market. Reviewing methods in increasing ship recycling profitability, focus will be spent on looking in to the difference between European & South East Asian shipyards, and the gulf of differences between them. Topics will also include insights into new technological and practical systems for hazardous waste tracking. The conference will bring together various key industry stake-holders including Ship-owners, Ship-mangers & associated solution providers, fuel solutions, IT & data associations, consultants & technology providers.
The delegates will be drawn from Ship Operators, Ship Owners, Ship Managers, Coastguard and Transport Authorities, Shipbuilders and Shipyards, Designers, Repairing companies, Vendors and Subcontractors, Energy and Mining companies, Cash-Buyers, Shipbrokers, Recycling facilities, Regulators, Consultants, Researchers, Brokers, Financiers and Investors.
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