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  3. Cargo transportation by inland water ways of Russia down to 74.5 mln t in 8M’17

2017 September 25   09:55

Cargo transportation by inland water ways of Russia down to 74.5 mln t in 8M’17

According to the Federal Marine and River Transport Agency (Rosmorrechflot), cargo transportation by inland water ways of the Russian Federation totaled 74.59 mln t in January-August 2017 with cargo turnover of 46.4 bln t-km.  The decline is registered in transportation of both domestic and foreign trade cargo (down 2.5 mln t, year-on-year).

Deliveries to the Far North totaled 13.6 mln t (-1.1% year-on-year).

Passenger traffic declined by 0.9% to 13.46 mln persons. Passenger turnover grew by 11.2% to 551.7 mln passengers.

Shipping companies registered in the basins of Russia’s European part account for 76% of the total cargo traffic. They carried 56.1 mln t, down 1.4 mln t, year-on-year, mostly due to the reduction in transportation of foreign trade cargo.

Shipping companies operating in the Siberia and Far East basins reduced cargo transportation by 1.1 mln t mostly due to the reduction of domestic cargo transportation.

In the reporting period, inland water transport carried 9.4 mln passengers, down 1.1 mln passengers as compared with the same period in 2016. However, passenger turnover grew by 41.7 mln pas/km to 497.6 mln pas/km.

Shipping companies registered in the basins of Russia’s European part account for 74.5% of the total passenger traffic. They carried 7 mln passengers, down 0.9 mln passengers, year-on-year.

Shipping companies operating in the Siberia and Far East basins saw a reduction by 0,2 mln passengers to 2.4 mln passengers.

Ferry services account for 45,7% of passenger traffic; suburb -20.3%; intracity -14,6%; sightseeing/pleasure – 13.2%; local – 2.6%; tourist -2.4%; transit – 1.2%.

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