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2017 September 25   18:24

BV joins global industry alliance (GIA)

At a ceremony in Singapore today Bureau Veritas formally joined the Global Industry Alliance (GIA), the society said in a press release.
Philippe Donche-Gay, President Marine & Offshore, Bureau Veritas said that he was delighted BV was able to provide support to the GIA: ‘Whether it’s a better understanding of hull structures, digitalization, gas fueled and hybrid systems or the many other areas of research and development that are leading to practical solutions, our Marine & Offshore Division - and the 70,000 Bureau Veritas people around the world (10,000 in China alone) across our group - will be able to contribute towards this important initiative.’
The GIA was officially inaugurated on June 29 by IMO Secretary General, Mr Kitack Lim. 17 companies have now signed up to join the GIA, which will work within a framework established by Global Maritime Energy Efficiency Partnership (GloMEEP) Project, a Global Environment Facility (GEF)-United Nations Development Program (UNDP) - IMO project.
The GIA will support improving the energy efficiency of ships and shipping by collectively identifying and developing innovative solutions to address common barriers and promote the uptake of energy efficiency technologies and operational measures.
The GIA is focused on five priority areas of collaboration:
1. Energy Efficiency Technologies (EETs) and Operational Best Practices
2. Alternative Fuels and Energy Carriers
3. Digital Transformation
4. Finance
5. Human Element

Activities likely to be undertaken or promoted by the GIA on these priorities will include, inter alia:
- research and development
- showcasing advances in technology development and positive initiatives by the maritime sector
- industry fora to encourage a global industry dialogue
- implementation of capacity building
- information exchange activities

A GIA Task Force comprising of representatives of the members has been formed to act as the advisory body to the GIA and to take decisions on which activities to undertake under the GIA umbrella.
Selected GIA projects will be implemented by the GloMEEP Project Coordination Unit, with the advice of the GIA Task Force. Activities will be funded by a Fund (GIA Fund) established by IMO.
The GloMEEP Project aims to provide long-term global environmental benefits by supporting the effective implementation of IMO’s energy efficiency regulations (chapter 4 of MARPOL Annex VI), particularly in the developing countries.

Three main streams of work have been set up so far:
- Legal, policy and institutional reforms
- Awareness raising, knowledge sharing and capacity-building activities
- Public-private partnership to support low carbon shipping

About Bureau Veritas
Bureau Veritas is a world leader in laboratory testing, inspection and certification services. Created in 1828, the Group has more than 70,000 employees in around 1,400 offices and laboratories located all across the globe. Bureau Veritas helps its clients to improve their performance by offering services and innovative solutions in order to ensure that their assets, products, infrastructure, and processes meet standards and regulations in terms of quality, health and safety, environmental protection and social responsibility.

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