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  3. Murmansk Region Governor Marina Kovtun: Russia keeps its leadership in Arctic research (photo)

2017 November 14   15:40

Murmansk Region Governor Marina Kovtun: Russia keeps its leadership in Arctic research (photo)

Russia keeps its leadership in the sphere of Arctic research, Murmansk Region Governor Marina Kovtun has said today, 14 November 2017, at the III International Conference “ Arctic Polar Routes”, one of the key events of the VI Murmansk International Business Week (MIBW).

“Throughout long years and even centuries our country has created a strong base for implementation of our national interests in the Arctic”, she emphasized.

According to Marina Kovtun, Arctic leadership of our country is based on sustainable support of Arctic research provided by the state.

“Nowadays, the interest to the Arctic has multiplied worldwide. It is actually a giant and an intact storage of resources which are dwindling in other places, which means that Russia should “have dibs” on something belonging to it rightfully, to ensure development and safety of its Arctic zone”, said the Governor.

“Construction of new nuclear-powered icebreakers and implementation of the project on comprehensive development of Murmansk Transport Hub will considerably strengthen the role of our region in the Arctic logistics. Moreover, the largest oil and gas companies – NOVAVTEK and Rosneft  - are implementing large scale projects in the Murmansk Region on servicing the development of Russia’s Arctic continental shelf”, told Marina Kovtun adding that the Government of the Murmansk Region is doing its best to provide a base required for these processes, particularly when it comes to personnel.

The VI Murmansk International Business Week (13-17 November 2017) is expected to gather 3,500 participants from 18 constituent entities of the Russian Federation and 13 foreign countries.

MIBW programme offers more than 20 events including the meeting of the working groups of the State Commission for Arctic Development: “Social and Economic Development” and “Energy Development”. Besides, the programme will comprise traditional international conferences: Arctic Polar Routes, Arctic Shelf Development: Step by Step, Mining Industry of the Barents/Euro-Arctic Region, Made in Arctic event and the SEVTEK exhibition (Northern fuel and energetics complex) as well as a number of round-table meetings and panel discussions. Throughout the entire MIBW Murmansk will also host the Young Science of the Arctic week.


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