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2018 April 2   12:15

Transit navigation in Azov-Don Basin opens from April 1 (photo)

Transit navigation in the Azov-Don Basin has opened from 09:00 on April 1, says Azov-Don Basin Administration.

M/V Enceladus owned by Prime Shipping LLC was among the first ships to pass the Kochetkovsky hydraulic system.

According to the statement, Azov-Don Basin Administration has prepared the waterways and hydraulic engineering structures for smooth operation in the navigation season of 2018. The scope of dredging performed at the transit routes totaled 101,500 cbm.

The Federal Azov-Don Basin Administration is responsible for management and control of inland waterways of the Don River Don from the lower access channel of Lock No 15 (Tsimlyansk Reservoir) to the village of Aksai (the 3121-km stretch of the Don), except for Nikolayevsky and the Konstantinovsky hydroengineering facilities, and the tributaries of the Don River, Seversky Donets (from Krasny farm to the mouth) and the Manych River (from the Novo-Manychskaya Dam to the mouth). The total length of the Azov-Don Basin Administration managed inland waterways reaches 691.3 km.‎

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