In 2018, Russian seaports handled 816.46 million tonnes of cargo (+3.8%, year-on-year) including 387.34 million tonnes of dry bulk cargo (+3.8%) and 429.12 million tonnes of liquid bulk cargo (+3.9%), says press center of Federal Marine and River Transport Agency (Rosmorrechflot).
Seaports of the Arctic basin handled 92.73 million tonnes (+ 26.4%) including 30.45 million tonnes of dry bulk cargo (+4.3%) and 62.28 million tonnes of liquid bulk cargo (+ 41.0 %).
Seaports of the Baltic basin handled 246.32 million tonnes (-0.5%) including 109.78 million tonnes of dry bulk cargo (+4.5%) and 136.54 million tonnes of liquid bulk cargo (- 4.1%).
Seaports of the Azov-Black Sea Basin handled 272.16 million tonnes (+0.9%) including 119.04 million tonnes of dry bulk cargo (+0.4%) and 153.12 million tonnes of liquid bulk cargo (+1.3%).
Seaports of the Caspian basin handled 4.8 million tonnes (+21.6%) including 2.64 million tonnes of dry bulk cargo (-6.9%) and 2.16 million tonnes of liquid bulk cargo (up 1.9 times).
Seaports of the Far East basin handled 200.46 million tonnes (+4.5%) including 125.44 million tonnes of dry bulk cargo (+ 6.7%) and 75.03 million tonnes of liquid bulk cargo (+1.0%).