Oil prices started climbing up in the beginning of the week due to the reduction of oil supplies from Venezuela caused by sanctions imosed by the USA on Venezuela's state-owned oil firm PDVSA.
Bunker prices at the port of Rotterdam have decreased by $4 on the average.
According to IAA PortNews Bunker Prices Review, bunker fuel prices at port St. Petersburg were as follows:
Average price of IFO-380 HS - $320 pmt (+$5).
Average price of MGO - $520 pmt.
Average price of ULSFO - $490 pmt.
IFO-380 HS price is ranging between $280 and $330 pmt.
Bunker prices at the port of Rotterdam have declined by $2 on the average.
The difference between maximum/minimum prices depends on the amount of fuel sold and its availability.
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