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2019 January 31   09:44

Polskie LNG summarizes its 2018 results

The past year was a period of increased work in Polskie LNG. It contributed to excellent results of President Lech Kaczyński's LNG Terminal in Świnoujście and the timely implementation of the LNG Terminal Expansion Program. As part of the latter initiative, in late 2018, the company launched two tender procedures, for the development of the so-called onshore part (additional regasification installation, third LNG storage tank and LNG-to-rail transhipment system) and the offshore part (i.e. additional jetty).

In 2018, the LNG Terminal in Świnoujście successfully pursued its technological processes achieving the following results: 

• Nearly 2 million tonnes equivalent to 4.4 million m3 of natural gas was unloaded at the LNG terminal.

• 23 methane carriers (14 vessels in 2017) were unloaded.

• 1794 tank trucks (1523 in 2017) were loaded with LNG at the Terminal in Świnoujście. In 2018, Polskie LNG also set its new record of loadings in a single day - 24 tank trucks.

• Last year at the LNG Terminal, the first ISO-container was loaded with liquefied gas; this means of LNG transport it becoming increasingly popular. 

A very important step towards the implementation of the LNG Terminal Expansion Program - two tender procedures were launched by Polskie LNG at the turn of 2018 and 2019..

The first contract notice (regarding the so-called onshore part) started the tender procedure with a view to selecting the contractor for three onshore components of the LNG Terminal expansion program: 
• Additional regasification installations - increasing the nominal regasification capacity of the terminal to 7.5 billion Nm3 / year,
• The third LNG process storage tank– increasing the flexibility of performance and ensuring the optimum process storage capacity,
• LNG-to-rail transhipment installation – - extending the scope of services to include the loading of ISO-containers and tank cars and reaching new potential customers,
The second tender procedure refers to the so-called offshore part (fourth component of the expansion program) which will involve: 

• Additional jetty, for loading and unloading vessels, LNG transhipment and loading of LNG bunker vessels and bunkering service. 
The new jetty will be built in cooperation with the Szczecin and Świnoujście Seaports authority as part of the development of the so-called Small Scale LNG infrastructure. It will provide additional services to the LNG Terminal owing to which the LNG Terminal in Świnoujście will be able to satisfy the growing market demand in the Baltic Sea region as well as to respond to a number of European regulations including climate and environmental laws which stimulate the transition towards low-emission fuels.

- The past year has been intense but also very satisfying. We are very well prepared for new business challenges, said Paweł Jakubowski, president of the Polskie LNG company

In the past year, the company has also implemented a number of development initiatives including:

• Joining the Baltic Ports Organization (BPO) 
• LNG Terminal roadshows in the USA, Norway, Australia and France 
• organisation of the visit of Rick Perry, Secretary of the US Department of Energy in Poland in collaboration with the State Administration 
• Establishing cooperation and signing a letter of intent with the University of Western Australia 
• Establishing cooperation with the the Main School of Fire Service  including joint research and academic projects as well as access to specialist equipment

Moreover, the company has been granted the Global Compact award for activities in sustainable development and the Silver Card of the Safe Work Leader awarded by the Central Institute for Labor Protection.

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