In January 2019, Russian seaports handled 67.61 million tonnes of cargo (+5.6%, year-on-year) including 28.19 million tonnes of dry bulk cargo (+0.3%) and 39.42 million tonnes of liquid bulk cargo (+9.8%), says press center of Federal Marine and River Transport Agency (Rosmorrechflot).
Seaports of the Arctic basin demonstrated the highest growth – +25.3%, to 9.37 million tonnes including 2.56 million tonnes of dry bulk cargo (+4.0%) and 6.81 million tonnes of liquid bulk cargo (+ 35.8%).
Seaports of the Baltic basin handled 20.91 million tonnes (-0.1%) including 8.60 million tonnes of dry bulk cargo (-1.4%) and 12.31 million tonnes of liquid bulk cargo (+0.8%).
Seaports of the Azov-Black Sea basin handled 20.99 million tonnes (+5.0%) including 7.58 million tonnes of dry bulk cargo (-4.5%) and 13.41 million tonnes of liquid bulk cargo (+11.3%).
Seaports of the Caspian basin handled 0.48 million tonnes (+3.7%) including 0.21 million tonnes of dry bulk cargo (-24.3%) and 0.27 million tonnes of liquid bulk cargo (up 1.5 times).
Seaports of the Far East basin handled 15.85 million tonnes (+4.6%) including 9.24 million tonnes of dry bulk cargo (+ 6.0%) and 6.62 million tonnes of liquid bulk cargo (+2.7%).