Minesweepers of the Kola Flotilla, Northern Fleet, have sailed off to the Barents Sea in order to practise combat training missions as part of final check for winter training season.
Five minesweepers are operating as part of three naval mine-sweeping task forces.
The minesweeper Mashinist trained to guard and sweep an area of minelaying operations which had been fulfilled earlier by large amphibious ships Alexander Otrakovsky and Georgiy Pobedonosets.
The coastal minesweepers Yelnya and Yadrin, as well as Kotelnich and Kolomna train to search and eliminate mines.
The naval mine-sweeping task force made up of the coastal minesweepers Yelnya and Yadrin, trained to repel enemy’s air attack weapons with the use of Igla air defence missile systems firing at an aerial target.
Minesweepers of the Kola Flotilla are going to carry on the exercises for a few more days, says press center of RF Defence Ministry.