Bunker fuel prices at the Port of Vladivostok were slightly down: as of Apr. 25 the price of IFO380 HS was an average of $381.0 pmt or $1.0 lower from the previous week, IFO180 HS was $ 395.0 pmt (- $1.0) and MGO (DMB) was sold for $ 632.0 pmt (+ $2.0), the PortNews bunker review showed.
The price of MGO (DMB) in USD was ranging $ 620.0 to $ 645.0 pmt. The prices of MGO (DMA) and IFO380 HS remained unchanged: between $660.0 to $680.0 pmt and $375.0 to $390.0 pmt, respectively.
MGO price at the Port of Singapore edged up to settle at $ 632.0.
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