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  3. Gasunie, EBN, Port of Amsterdam and Tata Steel work together on the development of a CCUS project in the North Sea Canal area

2019 November 14   17:20

Gasunie, EBN, Port of Amsterdam and Tata Steel work together on the development of a CCUS project in the North Sea Canal area

Gasunie, EBN, Port of Amsterdam and Tata Steel are working together as Athos, on the development of a CCUS project in the North Sea Canal area. The parties recently completed a feasibility study and announced that they will continue the project by conducting various follow-up studies. Athos now invites parties to express their interest in the CCUS project.

The aim of this request for mutually non-binding Expressions of Interest, is to determine which companies have a serious interest in using the foreseen ATHOS transport and storage network in order to store captured CO2 and/or make CO2 available for usage as a feedstock, or use CO2 as a feedstock. This is a first step towards a Joint Development Agreement in the course of 2020.

A number of questions have been included in the Expression of Interest in order to get a better understanding of the potential fit of the responding companies with the foreseen network. A more detailed questionnaire will be provided after a mutual interest is established. A Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA) will be signed with companies that are asked to fill out the detailed questionnaire. Tata Steel IJmuiden N.V. is a consortium partner and also a potential user of the foreseen network. It will not have access to the information provided by other potential users, and will therefore not be party to such an NDA.

Participation in the Expression of Interest request does not create any obligation or rights. The EoI is open until December 31 of this year and after the deadline has closed, Athos will study and process all information collected.

The aim is to work towards a Joint Development Agreement by 2020, if appropriate for the parties.

A Request for Information (RfI) has been published, to obtain more information and insight into suitable locations for CO2 storage under the Dutch North Sea at a depth of 3 to 5 km. It also requests information on which companies can, and possibly want to, provide services. The request to provide information is aimed primarily at experienced companies from the oil & gas sector, but Athos cordially invites any party that can provide relevant information to submit it.

The RfI is open until 31 December 2019 and is published on the Negometrix for that purpose.

Participation in the information request does not create any obligation or rights. After the deadline, EBN and Gasunie will study and process all collected information. All information will be treated confidentially.

It is expected that a Request for Proposal will be sent at a later stage.

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