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2020 February 14   11:48

Throughput of Klaipėda Port in Jan'20 exceeds that of Latvia’s ports for the first time in the history

Although the beginning of the year does not seem to become record-breaking for loading in the regional seaports, still historical heights were reached in the Lithuanian maritime sector. Lithuania has overtaken all three Latvian ports with regard to loaded goods for the first time in the history. 3,99 million tons were loaded in Klaipėda Port (together with Būtingė terminal) in this January; meanwhile 3.88 million tons were loaded in Riga, Ventspils and Liepaja together, i.e. on average one third less than during the same period last year, Klaipėda Port says in a press release.

In January, approx. 15 percent less cargoes were received in Klaipėda Port than during the same period last year (3.4 million tons were loaded in January 2020, and 4.0 million tons – in January 2019). The loading volume was reduced by 25 percent in Riga (from 2,8 to 2,1 million t), by 43 percent in Ventspils ((from 2,1 to 1.2 million t). the results of Liepaja remained stable – the loading volume increased by 0,4 percent (570,3 thousand tons in January 2020 and 567,8 thousand tons in January 2019).

Last year 46,3 million tons of cargoes were loaded in Klaipėda Port. It is the second-best result in the port’s history. Only the year 2018 was more successful, when the record was reached – 46,6 million tons of cargoes were loaded in Klaipėda Port.

The growth of bulk cargoes had the biggest influence on annual loading volume of 2019, i.e. 3,5 percent or 0,7 million tons more; in total 20,6 million tons of bulk cargoes were loaded. The biggest growth was noticed in the loading of agricultural products in this group. It increased even by 60,8 percent.

6776 vessels visited Klaipėda Port in 2019. 4840 of them were carrying goods, i.e. their number was bigger by 2,6 percent than in 2018.

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