Glavgosexpertiza (Russia's Main Department of State Expertise) says it has approved the design and estimate documentation of the project for building the facilities of vessel traffic control system in the port of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.
The vessel traffic control system is intended for upgrading the shipping safety and efficiency, safety of life at sea, protection of marine and coastal environment and onshore facilities.
The system being developed features category I (water areas welcoming 2,500 to 5,000 ships per year including ships carrying dangerous cargo). Its facilities include VTCS centers and radar posts accommodating equipment, technical means and personnel.
The works are conducted in the framework of the Marine Transport sub-programme of the federal targeted programme “Development of Russia’s Transport System in 2010-2015”.
Project documentation has been prepared by Giprosvyaz-4 JSC. Developer – FSUE Rosmorport.