FSUE "Rosmorport" says its Petropavlovsk Branch began to provide captain’s advisors services to all interested ship owners and captains of ships in order to ensure safe navigation of vessels sailing in the water area of section No. 16 (Bechevinskaya Bay and approaches to it) of the seaport of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.
The Petropavlovsk Branch selected the captain's advisors from among the most professional pilots of the branch.
According to the management of the Petropavlovsk Branch, this service will be in demand by the captains of vessels proceeding to the Bechevinskaya Bay, since the provision of captain’s advisor services reduce risks in the process of controlling the movement of the ship, and, accordingly, increase the level of navigation safety for vessel captains while sailing in new shipping area.
Additional information on the conditions and procedure for provision of the captain's advisor services by the Petropavlovsk Branch is available section "Petropavlovsk Branch services for provision of captain's advisors".