Crowley Maritime Corporation’s Solutions business unit has been awarded a multi-year contract for Vessel Acquisition Management (VAM) by the U.S. Maritime Administration (MARAD). Stena RoRo is included in Crowley’s project team, together with Serco and LCE (Life Cycle Engineering).
The RRF currently consists of 41 vessels whereof 33 are Deepsea RoRos. A key objective in the VAM programme is a reduction of the overall age of the fleet and increase of ship reliability.
Stena RoRo will provide expertise related to market intelligence in the vessel selection process. Stena RoRo will also act as broker within the VAM programme and support Crowley & MARAD with the conclusion of contracts for identified candidate vessels fulfilling the operational requirements set by MARAD.
Since 1977, Stena RoRo has led the development of new marine RoRo, cargo and passenger concepts. The company leases about fifteen vessels to operators worldwide, both other Stena companies and third parties. Stena RoRo specializes above all in applying its technical expertise to the design and production of new ships and the conversion of existing ships for providing tailored transport solutions to its customers.